Design Thinking and IntrapreneurshipApril 13 to 21

I-  Course Overview


"Innovate or die” is a popular slogan for business innovation. The need to innovate has become crucial in the 21st century where business operates in a complicated and fast changing world. This course aims to train managers on being innovative in their organization. The participants will go through the process of design thinking after they have identified a real problem they face in their work. They will use all the elements of the design thinking process to come up with a suitable solution for their problem. Design thinking and innovative problem solving use deep customer understanding, problem framing, a range of idealization techniques, iterative prototyping, and critique to generate and develop implementable concepts that meet user needs. Moreover, the participants will be exposed to the concepts of intrapreneurship, and will gain practical skills in intrapreneurship that they can use to innovate within their organization. 

II-  Course Objectives


The goal of this course is to acquire Design Thinking and intrapreneurship skills. Rather than using the traditional method, this is a workshop-based course where participants learn by doing. In each session, a thinking tool will be introduced and practiced. The design thinking approach will be applied to solve real problems the managers are facing at work and will help them find suitable solutions and test them out.

The following objectives will be achieved during the course:

  1. Understanding what is Human-Centered Design & how to achieve deep customer understanding
  2. Identifying opportunity areas: problem framing & definition 
  3. Implementing the design thinking cycle including idea generation, concept development and implementation
  4. Recognizing challenges with corporate innovation strategy & execution, and how intrapreneurship helps
  5. Evaluating themselves as intrapreneurs and understanding intrapreneurial roles,  and characteristics of successful intrapreneurs
  6. Understanding and applying the lean method and business model canvas

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